By now many people are familiar with the events that transpired over the weekend in the quiet North Dallas suburb of MicKinney, Texas, where police were called because of a fight at a pool party that being thrown at a residential pool.

It seems there are two different versions of this story.

Some say that the kids were fighting, many jumping the fence to gain access to the pool and starting complete chaos. Concerned residents felt the need to call police because the party was getting out of control with a huge influx of unruly black teens crashing the party.

Party organizers tell a different story, they say that white adult residents started the trouble. They say the adults started making racist statements towards the children and at one point attacked a black teenage girl for standing up to them. This incident they say, caused the police to be called.

Regardless of which story represents the truth, what’s clear is that the police response to this minor disturbance was in most rational people’s estimate, overkill.

Cpl. Eric Casebolt can be seen being filmed by a white male teenager running around, doing combat rolls, yelling and cursing at the children like a madman. He proceeds to handcuff some of the black kids and make many sit down on the grass. Only one white kid was told to sit down, he however was not handcuffed.

At one point he grabs a 14-year-old teenage girl by her hair because she dared to “mouth off” at him.

As Casebolt forced her to the ground, two?teenage boys tried to intervene, concerned for the young girl’s safety. Casebolt drew his firearm and pointed it towards the young men, they ran. Other officers stepped in, appeared to tell Casebolt to holster his weapon, and then took off after the teenage boys.


Casebolt then return to the black teen girl who was only wearing an orange 2 peice bikini and began to force her to lie face first into the grass, screaming

“Face Down!”

Here is the full video in case you haven’t seen it.


This scene has enraged many in the community who have taken to the streets in protest.

When one watches the video, it almost seems like many of the white residents were invisible. Especially during the assault on the black teenage girl. There was a very tall, obese older white man right in the middle of it. He was standing over the officer and the girl close enough to touch them both. It’s unclear who he was or why he was allowed to be there. His presence added a surreal element to an already bizarre situation.


Casebolt was behaving like he was on a combat mission in Iraq, and single-handedly escalated a minor situation. What’s worse is that he appeared to be the one giving the orders.

In an interview with CNN, one of the white neighborhood residents sided with the police officer, saying that his actions where appropriate and said:

“I think he deserves a medal for what he did…”

An officer of the law terrorizes a smaller teenage girl, forcing her facedown in to the dirt like she’s nothing but dirt herself, and this woman thinks he deserves a medal. Personally I think think the young men were wrong in trying to touch the officer, and I am glad they did not get shot. I can understand their desire to save this young lady from the abuse she suffered. If anyone deserves a medal, it’s those young boys who had the guts to stand up and try to make a difference.

I also think the woman praising the police in this video deserves a medal for being a stupid idiot. This is the divide we have always had in America, and one reason why police have no fear of their brutality being exposed. When it is they pout and go on “strike” because we want them to treat people like human beings. We need to take a stand and say no more. Casebolt was also a trainer at the police academy — think about what that means.

Here is video of the interview.



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