The American business market is cutthroat capitalism, essentially modern piracy. Corporations establish prominence, but are at times, dethroned by other corporations as demand and supply changes.
Recently, Hoover’s Incorporated, a business research company and subsidiary of Dun and Bradstreet, Inc., released information regarding corporations based in each American state. Broadview Networks compiled Broadview’s information, ranking companies based in each state in order of prominence and comparing fiscal year 2015’s revenue results to fiscal year 2014’s. Some corporations retained their stature, while some fell. Even more so, some corporations fell hard, losing their top spot to diminutive revenues from smaller corporations.
For the sake of consistency, Broadview decided not to use any subsidiaries or government entities.
The above graphic is attributed to?Broadview Networks VoIP Blog.
Here are some major takeaways from the Hoover’s study:
- In Alaska, FY 2014’s leader, Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation, was dethroned by Anchorage-based General Communication Inc. APFC’s FY 2014 revenue was $4.44 billion, whereas CGI’s FY 2015 revenue was only $910 million.
- Wal-Mart has maintained its status as the highest-grossing corporation in the world, posting FY 2015 revenues of $485.65 billion. If Wal-Mart were a country, it would have the 28th highest nominal GDP in the world.
- Sprint Communications, Inc. posted the highest FY 2014 revenue of all Kansas-based corporations with $34.56 billion. In FY 2015, Koch Industries took Kansas like the Spanish when they recaptured Tortuga, blowing Sprint out of the water with $115 billion in revenue.
- Albuquerque-based Presbyterian Healthcare Services retained its top spot in New Mexico, despite a revenue decrease of over 50% from FY 2014 to FY 2015.
- Charlotte, N.C.-based Bank of America still holds the top spot in North Carolina, despite a $6.51 billion decrease in revenue from FY 2014 to FY 2015.
- AmerisourceBergen, a drug wholesale company based in Chesterbrook, Penn., maintained its top spot in Pennsylvania with a $12.6 billion increase in revenue from FY 2014 to FY 2015.