VIDEO: Lambda Legal Nails Argument For LGBT Rights In ‘Say #IDO’ Videos

Lambda Legal, the non-profit organization that is “the oldest and largest legal organization in the U.S. dedicated to the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people and those with HIV,” has absolutely nailed the argument for marriage equality in a series of “Say #IDO” videos.

Ahead of the Supreme Court’s decision on same-sex marriage, which is to be announced later this month, celebrities such as Susan Sarandon and Aisha Tyler have joined with Lambda Legal to support LGBT rights in the fight for equality. The entire series of videos can be found here.

Consider joining them by signing up for Lambda Legal’s email updates, where we’re reminded that:

“Lambda Legal’s members and supporters are all a part of the LGBT rights movement ? and a part of this historic moment for equality. Please join us!

We expect a Supreme Court ruling on the freedom to marry this June. But the fight is not over. We need your help in the fight ahead.

For every action taken online until Supreme Court decision day, a dollar will be donated by our Board Co-Chair Karen K. Dixon and her wife Nan Schaffer ? up to $1 million!”

View the touching campaign video below: