Unbelievable — Alleged Church Shooter Dylann Roof’s Token Black Friend Defends Him Says He’s Not Racist

Recently someone conducted an interview with Dylann Roof’s token black friend.

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The interview was disturbing on many levels. This “black friend” did not seem disturbed or emotional about what Roof did. It must have been one of the most unbelievable, ignorant, pathetic, and apathetic things I have seen in a very long time.

He not only defends Roof, but he says that he feels no differently about Roof today than he did before the shooting.

In the interview, he basically confessed that they knew about his plans to kill people although he said that Roof originally wanted to shoot up a college and made no mention of the church.

Personally, I hope they can charge these “friends” with a crime if they knew Roof was planning to kill people.

Here is the interview.