Marybel Gonzalez, former Miss Colorado titlist?and Miss USA Finalist, took to Instagram to address Donald Trump’s bizarre racist tirade against Mexicans. During a fake rally to announce his run for the Presidency. Trump said this:
?The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else’s problems. [Applause] Thank you. It’s true, and these are the best and the finest. When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.?
About a week after his initial statements Trump had done what most politicians with common sense would not do, he doubled down, stomping his foot and going even further with his hate filled rhetoric,?saying:
“It’s not Mexicans necessarily, they’re coming from all over,” Trump said.
“I respect what they’re doing,” Trump said. “I think it’s great. I like Mexico. I love the Mexican people. I do business with the Mexican people, but you have people coming through the border who are from all over. And they’re bad. They’re really bad.
“I’ve spoken to border guards and I said, ‘How bad is it?’ And they said ‘Mr. Trump, you have no idea how bad.’ But you have people coming in, and I’m not just saying Mexicans, I’m talking about people that are from all over that are killers and rapists and they’re coming into this country.”
Gonzalez had apparently heard enough and posted her thoughts on Instagram.

Here are a few choice quotes from her Instagram post.
“When I watched your ill worded and completely erroneous speech, the only thing that resonated with me was the level of ignorance in your words,? she wrote.
She castigated ?The Trump? for saying all Mexicans who move to the USA are rapists.
?A rapist is a violator, and exploiter to be more precise. When you singled out a community and ignorantly generalized a population for the benefit of your campaign, you committed the worst exploitation,? she said.
?When you belittled the people of a country for the sake of a vote or an applause you acted in an unjustly manner to benefit your needs.
“Further, when you now negate other girls the opportunity to be present and heard in a public forum you are blatantly robbing them? if I am a rapist by the simple fact of being Mexican, then what do these actions speak of you??
Gonzalez signed off the post with the signature: ?A very Mexican, not rapist, Miss Colorado USA 2012, Top 10 Miss USA finalist.? Trump has not commented on the post.
Wow, Gonzales really gave “The Donald” a good stomping! But did so in a very classy and dignified way. Great Job Ms. Gonzales
Many people have come to believe that Donald Trump will ultimately be the final nail the the Republican’s coffin for 2016. Even if he doesn’t win the nomination, he’s going to force the other candidates to go harder right on immigration than usual. His association with the republicans, even this early, will be remembered by Latino voters for a very long time. Here’s to Donald Trump, the gift that keeps on giving to Democrats! I can’t wait for the debates! Is it 2016 yet?
?Hair’s to you Donald!