Bill O’Reilly Angrily Defends Fox News, ‘Systemic Racism Doesn’t Exist’

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Years ago I used to really enjoy watching Bill O’Reilly. You wouldn’t know it by reading some of my articles, but I was actually a conservative once upon a time.

I believed that all the problems in the black community was because most blacks were irresponsible, ignorant, and lazy. Of course I’d never voice those exact sentiments but I would support the arguments men like O’Reilly and other conservatives made to lead people’s minds to that conclusion. It wasn’t until fairly recently that I’ve begun to wake up from the white fog that Fox News seems to create in many viewers’ minds.

I started to see how people like O’Reilly really didn’t think or evolve; they catered to those who are dead set against doing both things. They find language that is friendly to racists without openly supporting them.

It’s almost a masterful dance they do on Fox News. Just for fun and giggles they’ll throw in a few “Liberals” to make it seem “fair and balanced,” but ultimately, Fox News always has the message that they know their “audience” wants to hear.

Notice how respectful O’Reilly was to the Confederate flag supporters, even when confronted with the history behind the flag? Yet you show him a flag supported by the black panthers and he’s frothing at the mouth calling for it to be banned.

But the problems we have with stations like Fox News go beyond conservative television and radio. The root of Fox New’s influence lies in our consumer society. We’ve allowed capitalism to consume us. We call ourselves “healthcare consumers,” even when it becomes too expensive for some citizens o live. We have a consumer education system that helps our young people get into debt for their lives while they slave away at a low-paying job in their field if they are really lucky — or at a minimum wage job if they are not.

Our two?political parties are pretty much bought and paid for, yet we go on cheering and jeering the pro wrestlers we call politicians.

Yes our love of capitalism has created consumer news, and consumer news is only interested in the most profitable truths.

I thought I’d share a video that Secular Talk did on his little hissy fit, because it was quite entertaining. ?In this video we see O’Reilly go on his usual rants about how morally bankrupt black people are, how systemic racism is a made up fiction by the liberal media “race baiters,” and how he’s going to “declare war” against people like me, who dare suggest that he’s full of shit.

For people like O’Reilly you can throw facts and logic at him all day long, he dodges those things like bullets in the matrix inside of his “no spin zone.” It’s like a world of fun house mirrors, where logic becomes warped.

Enjoy the show folks.