Stop What You’re Doing And Watch This Epic Bunny Video, Right Now!

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In a world where one bunny holds the key… that’s all I have. Can you blame me? I’m so distracted by how epic and adorable this is I can’t come up with any clever lines. Did I mention the cat? And the kitten knights? And the cute little tent? Watch this video right now. Watch it over and over until you drop. I know I will.

When I was a kid, I desperately wanted a bunny. I begged and begged, but my parents wouldn’t relent. Oh, the adventures we could’ve had! This video only demonstrates the awesome videos we could’ve shot on hot summer days. It was not to be.

Angela Hilliard is a 30-something gal who doesn't feel a day over 15. She'll happily spend hours watching cartoons, playing video games, and reading comic books. She graduated from Oakland University in Michigan with a BA in English and is currently a freelance writer.