Rick Perry Challenges Trump to Pull-Up Contest, REALLY?

In a last second attempt to be relevant, Rick Perry has decided to make some bold statements and appear on television shows such as Hannity and The Lead with Jake Tapper. You barely hear about Perry anymore, as he has taken a seat in the trunk of the clown car while Donald Trump drives them toward the cliff. However, in a battle to become the most brutish GOP hopeful ever, Perry challenged Trump to a pull-up contest after Trump insulted Perry’s intelligence. This obviously sounds like something straight out of a comic, but no, it is 100 percent true. In a party where President Obama is criticized for wearing “mom jeans,” this archaic battle comes as no surprise. Clearly Perry wants news attention and he apparently doesn’t care how he gets it.

Here is Trump’s original tweet:

Donald is LYFE

Here is Perry’s challenge he made after a reporter confronted him about Trump’s remarks:

“Let’s get a pull-up bar out there and see who can do the most pull-ups.”

Perry’s first venture lacking Trump’s presence began on Jake Tapper’s program July 26th. When asked about his feelings on preventing violence by allowing movie attendees to carry firearms inside, Perry replied:

“I think that it makes a lot of sense to send a message across this country… If we believe in the Second Amendment, and we believe in people’s right to protect themselves and defend themselves, and their families.”

Perry then appeared on Hannity July 29th to spill his word soup on the intellectually lacking sponges that watch the program. His ironic opinions were epitomized by the statement that repealing Dodd-Frank would help small banks. He went on to discuss his perception of Texas education being better than other states even as the KKK is being taken out of Texas textbooks.

Though Perry is attempting some form of populist rhetoric, the polls clearly show that either the Republican base isn’t buying it, or the brutishness of Trump is winning. With Perry polling at three percent in the last CNN poll, the odds of him making the A-team debates seem slim, but he did rise two percent from the previous poll conducted by PPP. Perry is also facing indictment in Texas which may be helping or hurting his polling.

These days the GOP has become one giant blur in regards to what they see as morally acceptable. In the end, Perry’s claws will have to go deeper and rise higher if he wants a chance at actually being the chosen nominee.
Featured image by Ed Schipul via Flickr.

Brett Banks is a native Texan majoring in Political Science. His interest in politics started when he was very young and has no end in sight. Brett is a fire breathing Progressive. As an advocate and member of the LGBTQ+ community he has aspirations to one day see equality for all. Follow him @brettbanks81 on twitter or find him on other social media.