WATCH Bill O’Reilly Get His A$$ Handed To Him By A Conservative Guest

Bill O’Reilly, you may know, is never ever wrong. His gargantuan ego simply will not allow him to be. But on Tuesday’s edition of his show, O’Reilly got his butt royally handed to him by fellow conservative Charles Krauthammer when O’Reilly attempted to put words into his guest’s mouth.

The topic for O’Reilly’s inane “Talking Points Memo” was Planned Parenthood, of which Bill said:

“There’s no question that Planned Parenthood is an abortion factory, and there’s no question that the group sells the body parts of dead babies or fetuses.”

Let’s see, Bill. Seems that, as usual, you’re just plain wrong. says that abortions make up only a miniscule three percent of Planned Parenthood’s business and only about ten percent of their clients receive abortion services. But why let facts stand in the way of a good lie?

Then O’Reilly adds Krauthammer–a man who is just to the right of Atilla the Hun–to the conversation and asks him a very stupid question:

“Am I wrong here?”

Well, since you asked, Bill: Yeah, you are. Krauthammer pointed out that O’Reilly’s attack on liberals was misplaced, as both parties have groups they represent and depend on for funding and votes, adding:

“I would argue that this is less a matter of ideas, but it’s a matter of constituencies.”

But Billy the Blowhard knows best, so he cannot resist interjecting:

“What Charles Krauthammer is saying to the world tonight is that liberals are morally bankrupt. They don’t believe in anything. They don’t believe in helping the downtrodden. They don’t believe in protecting the defenseless. They don’t believe in anything. They’re a bunch of cynical vote counters who’ll do anything for power. That is what you are saying.”

That’s not even close to what Krauthammer is saying, and he was not shy about pointing this out to the loudmouthed O’Reilly:

“No, that’s what O’Reilly is saying that Charles Krauthammer is saying. And since I’m more of an expert on what Krauthammer is thinking, I’ll give you what Krauthammer thinks.”

Ka-boom! Hey, Bill, you might want to pick your ego up off the floor and soothe it some, because it just got shredded by a fellow conservative.

Instead, proving that O’Reilly is an equal opportunity asshat when it comes to not wanting anyone to disagree with him, he got all huffy and ended the debate by saying:

“Oh, baloney.”

Which, of course, is exactly the substance that makes up 99.9 percent of Bill’s brain.

Watch Bill Bully A Fellow Right Winger