WATCH: This Dog Has The Most Epic Sneeze Ever (VIDEO)

Screen-capture from YouTube

We’ve all seen a dog sneeze, whether in the comfort of our own home or on the Internet. But this is a different kind of sneeze. This is an epic sneeze. It’s a sneeze you could watch all day, every day. Don’t believe me? Check out the video below and see for yourself.

I would just like to add that I’ve had dogs in my home for over 20 years and I have never seen anything like this. I feel sorry for the owner – they have to clean off that tablet. I guess it’s worth it, though.

Angela Hilliard is a 30-something gal who doesn't feel a day over 15. She'll happily spend hours watching cartoons, playing video games, and reading comic books. She graduated from Oakland University in Michigan with a BA in English and is currently a freelance writer.