What Your Favorite Dog Breed Says About You

Dog owners, if they’re honest, will tell you that they prefer one breed of dog above all others. I once dated a girl who had never owned anything but German shepherds. As for me, I’m a pit bull man.

The type of dog breed we love says a lot about us and science even says so. Here are some popular breeds, along with what owning them reveals about you, as well as some of the celebrities who own them:

Pit Bull


Pit bull lovers are very accepting people. Pit bulls are a stereotyped breed, and that means pit bull lovers are very sympathetic and open-minded. They’re easygoing and don’t really care what anyone else thinks. As a result, they can also be very creative people. Pit bull owners tend to be confident in themselves — and some have even suggested they might be good in bed. I plead the Fifth on that one.

Famous Owners: Vin Diesel, Steve Irwin



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Fans of greyhounds are often the strong, silent types. They’re independent and sometimes quiet, and because of these traits they can sometimes come off as intimidating.

Famous Owners: Cesar Millan, J.K. Rowling


German Shepherd

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German shepherds are active and sporty, just like the people who love them. These people tend to be social, but they’re more outgoing when they’re with their close friends. In general, they’re extroverts and definitely have a competitive streak.

Famous Owner: Chris Evans



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Collie lovers are focused, driven, and hardworking. They have adventurous spirits and are usually very active people. Collie lovers can sometimes be a bit obsessive and may prefer to focus on one thing until they get it right.

Famous Owner: Ellen Degeneres



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Bulldog people are strong, independent extroverts. They crave order and schedules and can definitely be stubborn about it.

Famous Owners: Adam Sandler, Winston Churchill, John Legend



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Chihuahua lovers are sympathetic people and are who are always willing to get to know you before passing judgement. They take pride in the way they look and are almost always dressed for success.

Famous Owner: Paris Hilton



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People who love pugs enjoy laughing and are overall very cheery, positive people. Pug lovers are open-minded and tend to be on the artistic side.

Famous Owners: Paris Hilton, Hugh Laurie



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People who love labs never take life too seriously. They’re social and love being around people.  Lab people are loyal — you can always depend on them to be there for you.

Famous Owners: Gwyneth Paltrow, Anne Hathaway



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People who own Rotties are confident, self-assured, and very protective of the ones they love. They’re also very brave.

Famous Owner: Will Smith


Golden Retriever


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Golden retriever people excel at making others feel comfortable. Golden people are also very passionate — they love fiercely and will almost always go after what– or who–they love in life.


h/t and All Photos: The Dodo