KKK Sends Out Directive To Members And Recruits: Kill All Homosexuals

Image Via PinkNews

As a native son of the South, I feel it’s my obligation to tell you that I consider the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) to be one of the most reprehensible, repugnant, and malignant collection of so-called human beings ever assembled upon the face of this planet.

And once again the Klan has proven my opinion to be well-founded.

A Louisiana chapter of the KKK has printed and distributed flyers which serve as a directive, urging that all Klan members, sympathizers, and potential ignorant hate-filled morons should take matters in hand and, as one flyer states:

 “Stop Aids: Support Gay Bashing. Homosexual men and their sexual acts are disgusting and inhuman.”

Another flyer proclaims one of the Klan’s favorite mantras:

“Our race is our nation.”

Residents in Newton County, Louisiana, say they are offended by the flyers. Patrick Sarver said:

“I mean, I guess it’s kind of repulsive, you know. I mean, I don’t discriminate against any group and I don’t feel like anyone around here should be discriminated against either.”

Another resident, who asked not to be identified by name due to concerns for their safety, remarked:

“As a member of the gay community, I think it shows the ignorance of society still.”

The FBI has joined the local police investigation of the matter, and hopefully they will be able to determine exactly who is responsible for this hate speech. Granted, the Klan, in all of their willful ignorance, has every right to believe as they wish, and even to print flyers, but they do not have the right to terrorize Americans or urge others to engage in violence against anyone.

Several years back, when the Southern Poverty Law Center won a series of major lawsuits that helped cripple the national KKK organization, I was hopeful the Klan might wither away and disappear. But apparently I misjudged just how filled with malice some people can be. But I still retain the dream of a day when the Klan will be nothing but a bad memory.