George Zimmerman: Virginia Shootings A ‘Hate Crime,’ And Obama An ‘Ignorant Baboon’

Image Via ABC7

George Zimmerman decided yesterday, in light of the brutal killing of two people in Virginia on live TV, that he would crawl out from the hole he slithers around in and offer his hateful opinion of the crime.

Zimmerman says he can’t find a job since his  2013 acquittal, but he did manage to team up with the owner of a “Muslim-free” gun shop owner to sell Confederate flag prints, because hey, that’s a good thing for a loser like him to do.

The worthless and toxic thoughts of Zimmerman were offered via social media, and here’s some of what he posted online:

As if he hadn’t said enough, Zimmerman then decided to crank up his attack on the President to another level:

It should be noted that President Obama did make a remark on the shootings of Alison Parker and Adam Ward. He said: “It breaks (my) heart every time you read or hear about these kinds of incidents. The number of people who die from gun-related incidents around this country dwarfs any deaths that happen through terrorism.” And for that, Zimmerman thought it would be appropriate to compare the President of the United States to a monkey:

Zimmerman was joined in his stupidity by right wing nut job propagandist Dinesh D’Souza:

As if all this wasn’t more than enough dancing on the graves of two journalists, earlier this morning Zimmerman proved conclusively that he is indeed a POS who deserves the derision he receives everywhere he goes:

h/t RawStory