Image via ABC News
Image via ABC News

The ever more disturbing atrocities ISIS is able to commit are very troubling.

ISIS released a video of two, blindfolded and bound, gay men being thrown off of a building. But if you think this was the worst part, you’re wrong.

After being thrown on the ground, ISIS children began throwing stones at the men. I know, you want to vomit, me too.

The video runs a little over six minutes, and includes the ISIS militants giving a “justification” speech for killing the two men. In the video you do not see the actually stoning. However, you do see the men lying on the ground next to bloody rocks.

The actions of this homophobic, misogynistic, and all around vile group are increasingly infuriating. This is without a doubt going to influence LGBTQ+ community members in a troubling way. Far too many children will be forced to repress who they truly are. ISIS is just one giant VILE group of uncivilized religious fanatics. Many Muslims are calling ISIS out by saying that these crimes are against the Qu’ran.

Furthermore, this simply creates another example of why we must put human rights at the top of our priority list. The actions of ISIS are only creating pain and misery. I think I speak for all of civilized society when I say: “My heart aches for the family who had to suffer through this horrendous act of ignorant violence.”

I wont be showing those images here, and I strongly advise you to not look at them. They are mentally scarring and show the victims of a horrendous hate crime in a way I am sure they do not want to be remembered.

Considering the fact I know this deeply angered you, I urge you to check out this article on ISIS getting suckered out of thousands of dollars by teenage girls. This is obviously not winning a war, but it’s pretty damn satisfying to see these monstrosities getting a small taste of what they deserve.

Featured Image via Gay Star News


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