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For some reason, the organizers of a rally against the Iran deal, which was held in Washington earlier today, decided to invite the former half-term Governor of Alaska to deliver some remarks. Perhaps they were short on ignorant hacks who need a gig and some camera time.

And Palin did not disappoint, saying that she wanted to bring “some sanity to this discussion.” Which of course means that she would have to surrender the microphone to someone who possesses sanity. Palin continued:

“Thank you for gathering to uphold the promise that was made, the promise of never again. And thank you for gathering as we can because we are still a free people. And if you love that freedom, think of that.”

Then Palin did a strange transition to this drivel:

“Oh and you know, since your president won’t say it, since he still hasn’t called off the dogs, we’ll say it. Police officers and first responders all across this great land, we got your back! We salute you!”

If a dolt like Sarah Palin has their backs, they might want to worry about that instead of the #BlackLivesMatter movement.

Finally, Palin did one last kiss-up to the police:

“Thank you, police officers!”

Yes, I know it’s far too easy to make fun of Sarah Palin. It’s like shooting fish in a barrel. But when she says the stupid things she does, someone has to call her out and make it known. If she would just disappear (please, Sarah! We’re begging!) I would be only to happy to ignore her and place her in the dustbin of American history where she belongs.

But she just keeps talking, and I just keep writing.

Gather Round And Watch The Idiot


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