Food Fight!! Pataki Scorches Trump On Social Media–‘He Is Unfit To Be President’

Image Via RawStory

For those of you keeping score at home, Former New York Governor George Pataki will not be among the Republicans who vote for Donald Trump should he happen to win the GOP Presidential nomination.

Earlier this morning, Pataki took to social media–Twitter–and posted these messages regarding the Donald, whom I have begun calling Hamster Hair:

I know Pataki has nearly no support in the polls, but what he did still took guts. What he said is that no matter what, he cannot and will not support Trump for President. And that tells me that Pataki sees what so many of his fellow GOP faithful are apparently blind to: Trump is a cancer on the Republican party. If they do not excise him from their ranks, he will bring them to ruin. Now that’s fine with me, because I want the Democratic nominee to win the 2016 election, but there is a larger issue at play here.

Trump is the living embodiment of what is worst about the Republican party: the arrogance, the celebration of ignorance and hatred, the “let them eat cake” mentality that scoffs at the plight of the less fortunate. There is too much of that in this country as it is. As you might expect, Trump, ever the eager insult artist, then fired back at Pataki with this:   

While he may think he won this skirmish, Trump is sadly mistaken. Pataki has called him out for the hack he is, and I expect more of the same from others in the GOP field during Wednesday night’s debate.