Amazing! Loyal Dog Keeps Watch Over Best Friend Until Help Arrives

Image courtesy of ABC7

Tillie and Phoebe are two dogs with a big story to tell. Not only did they go missing, but Phoebe ended up trapped in a cistern. Luckily, her best buddy was there by her side until help arrived.

How did this happen? A week ago, both of them escaped from their home while owner B.J. Duft was having a party. Phoebe went through a door that was ajar and it’s believed that Tillie soon followed.

Duft explained why Tillie would take such action:

“When Phoebe follows her little Basset Hound nose, Tillie always goes with her to make sure she’s OK.”

Once Duft noticed that something was amiss, the hunt was on. A local rescue group called Vashon Island Pet Protectors joined the search, but by day five things looked bleak. After posting a plea for help on their Facebook page, they soon received the information they so desperately needed. A dog that looked like Tillie had been seen wandering around somebody’s yard. Pet Protectors immediately took action.

This is what they posted about the rescue:

“So with a needle in the haystack hope we made our way into the ravine and after a bit of searching, finally heard that sweet sound we have been waiting for all week. A small one-woof response when we called out “Tillie.” A few minutes later we found her laying beside an old cistern with her head resting on the concrete wall. Heart sinking…we knew that meant Phoebe was inside the cistern and every breath was held and every doggie prayer offered that the peek over the rim would somehow find her safe. And gratefully… this time we have a happy ending with dear Phoebe found perched on some concrete rubble that held her out of the water.”

Duft had this to say to ABC News about the discovery:

“I was absolutely not surprised to learn that Tillie had stood by her side the whole time. She’s a very caring, loving and nurturing dog and the two of them are best friends.”

Both dogs, though unharmed, were tired and hungry. They are currently recuperating at home.

Angela Hilliard is a 30-something gal who doesn't feel a day over 15. She'll happily spend hours watching cartoons, playing video games, and reading comic books. She graduated from Oakland University in Michigan with a BA in English and is currently a freelance writer.