A viral video showing adolescent justice in all of its hormonal glory is blowing up social media right now. Shot in Huntington Beach, Calif., the video begins with a heartless high school bully attacking a blind student with no reason given as to why. After wailing on the blind student, the bully, who we’ll call “Red Pants,” suddenly has intimate knowledge as to what concrete tastes like. Another student, who we’ll call “The Vigilante,” saw the altercation and came to the blind student’s rescue, knocking Red Pants to the ground face-first.
In a beautiful display of altruism, the student who wrecked Red Pants’ face is seen pulling the blind student, Austin, aside and asking if he is okay following the assault.
Presumably, Austin is fine and The Vigilante then returns to the stunned and thoroughly messed up bully, interrogating him about the incident. Other students come to Red Pants’ aid and after some verbal exchanges, Red Pants is helped up from the ground. As everyone returns to their lunchtime routines, The Vigilante can be heard delivering a promise to Austin’s assailant.
“I swear to God if you fucking fuck with this kid again, I will fuck you up.”
District officials are investigating the incident. The school has a zero-tolerance policy for bullying.
“Huntington Beach High School firmly believes that all students are afforded an opportunity to learn in a safe and secure environment. Because of this, safety is the highest priority. Huntington Beach High School has a very strong anti-bullying code of conduct and will not condone this type of behavior from any student.”
I’m not one to advocate violence as a means to solve disputes, but if I’m being honest, Red Pants totally deserved to eat concrete.
Click the video below to watch Red Pants get the smack down laid on his candy ass.