Take A Look At Some Of The Coolest Halloween Yard Displays Ever

Halloween is just a little over a month away, and if you’re thinking of tricking out your house in celebration, you might want to consider some of these epic yard displays which have appeared over the years. Sure, going this far will take plenty of time (and in some cases a good little bit of money), but imagine the looks on the faces of people when they show up and see what you’ve done!

Spiders Everywhere!


This is just way beyond cool! And also plenty creepy.



Hey, who you gonna call?


Zombie Apocalypse


Since I’m a huge fan of “The Walking Dead,” this would be my choice.


See You In Hell


By using lights, you can make it appear your entire house is engulfed in flames.


Drive By Destruction


The only problem with using this one is you can bet the police are gonna show up and ask a lot of questions.


Guardians Of The Gourd


Even if you make it past the pumpkins, the mummies by the door are there to scare you off.


Tombstones In Bloom


Who would build a house atop a graveyard? Don’t ask questions, just run!


Gargantuan Scarecrow


This big guy will scare more than birds away.

h/t BrainJet