Tim Allen stars in a boring and un-original sitcom “Last Man Standing” and he has declared war against Hillary Clinton this year. Allen is a rare Republican in the Hollywood scene and by the offensive comedy of this show I can see why they are rare. These shows are meant to be funny and some of the comedy comes from the headlines, but comparing Clinton to Mrs. Stalin and Mrs. Hitler just didn’t seem funny to me. It seems like Fox News has branched into comedy, on purpose this time.
Is anyone else sad to learn that Allen is a raging conservative? Maybe you guys already knew, but why didn’t you tell me? This now explains the more embarrassing roles he has taken since Galaxy Quest. I loved that movie too. A raging alcoholic who womanizes and frequently goes off into space and…hey wait a minute. I’m seeing a replacement for Boehner and the role of a life time for Tim Allen!
The Clinton bashing begins at the breakfast table with the sitcom family having a political discussion. Allen’s character starts by criticizing Clinton for sending a donation flyer. “Will her string of mistakes never end?” is the first line. Innocent and funny right? The Daughter then chimes in about Benghazi being the topper that won’t be outdone. Now we are going into the ‘not so funny because it’s not true’ realm. But it gets worse. Way worse. The ’empty-headed-Democrat-mom’ of the sitcom family sets the record straight and declares that she is the one who requested the mail and will be voting for Clinton, much to the ‘shock and awe’ of her obviously conservative family.
Later in the show sitcom mom tries to explain her political views to her typical ‘smart and sarcastic’ teenage daughter. Wow, how do the writers come up with these creative and original characters? (I can do sarcasm too.) Does she talk about Clinton’s record? No. Does she explain that Benghazi was a witch hunt created by GOP smear masters? Nope. She very easily explains to her young impressionable daughter that she would vote for “any woman” because it’s time for a woman President!
I can’t even fathom the Republican that decided this script was perfect for the prime time. It was probably the same conservative writer that came up with that crazy character, Sarah Palin. Oh yeah, she was real. My mistake. The whole family is conservative, and the mom is a new ‘left thinker’ who doesn’t actually think.
Just when you thought it wasn’t bad enough, the daughter fires back at mom’s reasoning with the whole Clinton affair. She says that she believes that Congress would “cheat on Hillary and she would just look the other way.” That’s a good way to get a laugh, but isn’t that a Republican staple? Stand by your man? Clinton would have been bashed if she left him, and she gets bashed for sticking by him! What would Kim Davis do? We know you cannot please the GOP crowd (unless you are a Duggar. The GOP like it rough too, Josh! wink).
The sitcom daughter proceeds to tear into liberal mom’s empty stance of voting for ‘any woman will do’ by asking her if she would vote for Mrs. Hitler or Mrs. Stalin! Yep. You can’t get through a seemingly innocent conservative sitcom without them bringing up the Republican talking points of Benghazi, Hitler or Stalin. The golden Trifecta.
Not only is it totally unbelievable in the context of conversation, it isn’t very funny. I guess when your party is holding on by a thread, Allen is the last chance to save you, or if you are Tim Allen and you are holding on by a thread the GOP is the last chance to save yourself. You say po-TAY-to, I say “you guys are freaking nuts.” Same thing.
I wonder how long this show will last. So far, five seasons have come and gone. I would give you the info on when it airs, but I’m sure with writing like that you could just watch Fox and Friends and get the same effect. Now hurry up and get after Kim Davis and Cliven Bundy to make a special love interest guest appearance. Yee-Haw! Somewhere two cornfields are missing their idiots. Enjoy the clip below now, ya’ hear.