GOP Presidential Debates In Jeopardy Of Losing Trump And Carson

Oh Hallelujah! Donald Trump and Ben Carson may boycott the Next GOP Presidential debates. It’s like they can read my mind and know exactly what I want — throw as many hissy fits as possible and keep the party on its downward spiral. Watching these two dictate the entire party and knowing that neither of them are qualified is just a pure joy.

Republicans have created these monsters and now all the chicken-hawks have come home to roost. Trump has Fox News eating their own words (and each other) zombie style, while Ben Carson is spinning tales of heroism and then forgetting if it really happened. It’s like this whole election season is a scene from Days of Our Lives. Will Carson recover from his amnesia? Will Trump rekindle his secret love affair with Rupert Murdoch? Stay tuned for the next episode of “When The World Burned.”

Featured image by donkeyhotey  under CC License
Featured image by donkeyhotey under CC License

On a serious note and back the actual story, since when do Republican primary candidates dictate how the debates go? In a report from The New York Times, aides revealed that the candidates were unhappy with the terms of the debate. Both stated that they weren’t happy with the fact that there would be no opening and closing statements, and the length of the debate.

The last debate was three hours long, which is the longest Trump has ever worked consecutively. Trump wants 120 minutes for the debate and something tells me His Royal Hairness will get it. Trump is holding the debates hostage and I’m sure the GOP will cave. They are used to negotiating with terrorists: each other.

I think everyone on the Left can agree with the time being shorter. We still have plenty of time to get drunk during our “master-debater” drinking games! This time we can add the category of “Badass Ben and the Case of the Missing Bravery.”

No matter what happens. CNBC knows they don’t have a debate without Carson and Trump, so I’m sure it will be changed. I can’t wait.

Here’s a video.

Featured image by DonkeyHotey available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial license.