Take Notes, GOP — Sanders And Clinton Show How Politicians Are SUPPOSED To Act

The Democratic debates have been seen and written about, and analyzed, so much in the last few days, but I think there is still a story here. The real story lies in the fact that we saw the true meaning of politics on full display, and that display was led by Bernie Sanders. Some say that Hillary won, others say that Sanders did. Others ask, “Who the hell were those other people on stage?” I can see all the sides, here, but I think the real winner was the American people.

Image by Donkey Hotey, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial license.

We all know that politics has become a big money-spending, horse and pony show. It has become a sick and twisted version of what it was meant to be. The unfortunate part is that we, the American people, are the reason for that. We want flash. We want serious issues summed up in a meme or a rhyme, or a talking point of 140 characters or less. We want complicated issues to be broken into little bite-size pieces and we want the candidates to deliver it with all the pizzazz of a reality show. A great man once said we get the democracy we deserve. I believe that is true.

With Trump and Carson being the front-runners on the right, we can see that is true. Two men with zero political experience and offensive comments have taken the right by storm. They show the mentality of many voters in the fact that their numbers surge as their standards lower. Who can be the most offensive? Who can be the dumbest of them all? There can only be one!

On the left we see a whole different game being played out. While the right cannibalize each other and tear their party apart by the seams, we saw true leadership on the left. Sanders and Clinton didn’t attack each other’s character. They didn’t take cheap shots; they actually debated the issues! What a refreshing change to see them overlook the hype and sensationalism and put the people first. I am proud to be a liberal when I see them taking back politics and trying to keep the fight clean. Isn’t that what we deserve? Don’t we need politicians who really want us all to succeed, even if they have different ways of accomplishing that goal?

While I think Bernie is the one to do the actual necessary things to make that happen, even if it isn’t popular, I feel confident that Billary Clinton (wink)can do that, as well. I feel lucky we have these candidates. I also feel lucky that in my lifetime we may actually see the evil empire of the GOP finally get their last supper… each other!

Watch the video and see how two adults lead the way into a new era of politics! Go Democrats!!

Featured image by Donkey Hotey, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial license.