Looks good, doesn’t it? Unfortunately, former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley couldn’t put his NRA money where his mouth is. Despite the great optics from the recent Democrat debate where he took Bernie Sanders to task over gun control, this article exposes that his actions speak louder than words. Namely, his acceptance of $40,000 from the NRA as chair of the Democrat Governors Association.
“The fundraising took place while O’Malley served as the chairman of Democratic Governors Association, a nonprofit group designed to help elect Democrats win statehouses. O’Malley led the DGA as its top fundraiser and was retained as finance chair following his term as chair.”
As the below document shows, he received the contributions in July 2012, and the highlighted name is indisputably an NRA lobbying group.

American Progressives frustrated with the state of gun control in this country have got to be shaking their heads in disgust and disbelief at this revelation. Is there any national politician not at least partially in the pocket of the NRA? It’s certainly not easy to find one. The only viable place to look might be in local, city-level politics, as this also taints all the Democrat Governors that retained O’Malley as finance chair.
For O’Malley specifically, this has to be a devastating blow. This exchange regarding the NRA is front and center on his campaign’s website as a “powerful moment.” Here’s a video of his “powerful moments” from his YouTube channel.
The knowledge of his NRA contribution completely undercuts whatever positive momentum he might have after his debate performance. For a campaign that’s struggling to cling to relevance, O’Malley needs as many good stories as he can get.
The article also notes:
“O’Malley said that as governor of Maryland, he signed gun control legislation ‘by leading with principle, not pandering to the NRA.’ “
Unfortunately for Governor O’Malley and the American people, money speaks louder than words.
Here is O’Malley’s ad attaching Sen. Sanders on gun issues.