10 Bernie Sanders’ Quotes That Will Make You #FEELTHEBERN

Bernie Sanders has soared into the public eye since coming on the scene as a contender for the Democratic presidential nomination. His self-proclaimed democratic-socialist policies seem to be striking a chord with many segments of the American population. Not only have his public appearances drawn huge crowds, but recent polls also show him leading former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in both key states of Iowa and New Hampshire.

If social media is any measure of popularity, Sanders outpaces the other candidates when it comes to Twitter followers. During the first 150-minute Democratic debate, Sanders gained 35,163 new followers. That’s more followers than all of the other Democrats gained, combined.

Why do so many #FeelTheBern? These 10 quotes taken from (@SenSanders) and (@BernieSanders), help shed light on this candidate’s popularity.


Who knows what will happen, but just maybe these Tweets are the blueprint for America’s 2016 policies.

Featured image by Phil Roeder, via Flickr available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial license.