This Video Will Weird You Out – There Are No Words (VIDEO)

Screen grabĀ fromĀ YouTube


I’ve seen a lot of strange things over the years come Halloween. I thought seeing grown men wearing bibs and diapers was as weird as it could get, but I was wrong. I didn’t know this video existed until now.

I really don’t know how to explain my reaction. What in the world is going on here? Is this some kind of interpretive dance? The video never mentions who the dancer is – I guess we’ll never know. Maybe that’s for the best. What do you think? Is this the scariest thing you’ve ever seen?

Watch the video below.

Will you be able to sleep tonight?

Angela Hilliard is a 30-something gal who doesn't feel a day over 15. She'll happily spend hours watching cartoons, playing video games, and reading comic books. She graduated from Oakland University in Michigan with a BA in English and is currently a freelance writer.