Gun nuts have a way of hiding out on Internet liberal sites, until they feel threatened. Thus was the case when Liberal America recently reported on the group Everytown for Gun Safety. Wow, did the gun nuts come out of hiding for that one.

When Liberal America later reported on a video that the NRA News YouTube channel released, in which Colion Noir admits that the odds of someone needing a gun to protect their life was minuscule, the Internet gun nuts came out to play again. Now, from their own Internet comments, I have composed a list of the five most common types of gun nuts that have revealed themselves in gun debates.
The Law-Abiding Gun Nut-
This is not about bashing gun owners. With that said, “gun nut” is used as a reference to someone that really loves guns. Kind of like a “caffeine-nut.” Many of this type actually have no problem with background checks, training requirements, and registration compliance. These guys, and gals, are actually a voice of reason in the gun legislation debate. If more would come forward, I can see the debate turning for the better. These are not the, “Obama’s coming for our guns,” conspiracy type.
The Paranoid Gun Nut-
Now this type of gun nut truly believes that President Obama has a plan to un-arm the American people. Not only that, the President is also responsible for a large number of issues. This is the type of gun nut that you cannot have a rational debate with. It will always end in a conspiracy theory or rant about the federal government. Especially when it comes to sensible gun laws.
The Deflecting Gun Nut-
These gun nuts usually deflect any gun issue towards other issues. They will quickly point to a car tragedy and ask why liberals do not scream to have cars banned. While it’s true you can’t stop irresponsible or mentally disturbed people from doing tragic things, the comparison is a stretch by any means. Cars can’t reload a 30-round magazine and cover hundreds of feet in seconds.
The “Intellectual” Gun Nut-
These are the ones that automatically become experts on the Second Amendment whenever guns are mentioned. Maybe they took a class on the Internet, who knows. They will quite often refer to it as proof that they have a right to own any type, and as many, guns as they want. Unfortunately for them, the courts have interpreted the Second Amendment and already put laws in place. While each state has their own specific laws in this area, it would be nice to see them all get on the same page. Don’t tell the “intellectual” gun nut that though, you will surely be bombarded by the these brilliant “scholars.”
The Troll Gun Nut-
The last on the list is the troll. While they may or may not own guns, they always seem to want to belittle anyone that does not agree with them. While they will argue that one does not have facts to back up their argument, they surprisingly offer no facts of their own. They also bring nothing of substance to a debate and resort to name calling and cursing. Lastly, for hating and disagreeing with what they read, they spend an awful amount of time commenting on the liberal pages that oppose their view.
While I’m sure that many liberals, who are not afraid to advocate for sensible gun legislation openly on the Internet, will recognize many of these, I believe others should know these types also. I’m sure many can add to this list. I can’t wait for the gun nuts that hide on liberal pages to come out for this one, especially when they watch the video.