3 Things Conservatives Don’t Want To Hear

So, like many of the writers on this site, I recognize that conservatives have a wide variety of beliefs and opinions. Conservatives aren’t inherently less intelligent or moral than liberals and they’re just as diverse as we are.

However, I do have more than a few complaints about the party as a whole. And while I don’t necessarily enjoy tearing into conservatives every other article I write for this site, I’ll be damned if they don’t make it easy for me.

1. White Christians Aren’t Being Targeted, They’re Just Becoming Less Relevant

Like most rational people, I’m completely apathetic to the fact that minorities and non-religiously affiliated people will become the majority in this country. We’ll make progress in some things, and we’ll get caught up on other issues. The more things change the more they stay the same.

But religious conservatives think that their increasing lack of relevance is comparable to racism or other forms of bigotry. In reality, people are just starting to care less about what they think.

We still go through the same democratic channels, and we’re not going to send in jack booted thugs to take away your crosses and bibles. You just don’t like the fact that the system that you’ve abused since the inception of the country to push your views on other people is starting to be controlled by people who think differently than you.

2. American Exceptionalism Is Propaganda

So think about this, who benefits from believing in American Exceptionalism? I’ve never gotten a check in the mail for being a citizen of the best country in the world, and I get the feeling that none of you have either.

So why is this belief so pervasive? It’s because it’s a lie that allows immoral leaders and corporations to run amok with our economic and political system. The lie spread to conservatives because the belief that our country is the best in the world bolsters their ego.

If we believe that we’re the best country in the world then there’s no reason to look to other countries and learn from the successes that they’ve had with things like gun control, regulating business or integrating socialist policies into a democratic political system. That kind of thinking doesn’t benefit the country at all; it just benefits those of us who are either greedy or incredibly short-sighted, like the 2016 Republican presidential hopefuls.

What makes me so mad about this is that I LOVE my country. It’s my home, and it’s likely always going to be my home. America is a great country, but we should learn from our peers in the world instead of trying to put ourselves above them.

3. No One Wants To Take Away Your Guns

Anyone who tells you that the government is going to take away your guns is either grossly misinformed or willfully trying to mislead you. No one wants your guns, and how would we even be able to take them? Just consider the logistics of it for a moment. The military doesn’t have the will or the manpower to completely disarm the American public, and if they don’t the countr’s police force is DEFINITELY not capable of it.

So who’s going to do it? Is our secret Muslim/communist/Kenyan president going to fly in millions of ISIS fighters to do it? Nope. Every ISIS fighter put together STILL couldn’t handle the job.

Image provided by DonkeyHotey via Flickr under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.