Carly Fiorna has a nasty habit of making up things and passing them off as facts, but apparently one of those incidents has generated so much negative publicity for her campaign that she’s had to admit she misstated a major fact she tossed out during last week’s GOP debate.
During that debate, Fiorina attempted to make the case that President Obama’s tenure has been “demonstrably bad for women. She even insisted:
“92 percent of the jobs lost during Barack Obama’s first term belonged to women.”
That is a nothing but a line recycled from Mitt Romney’s failed 2012 run against President Obama, and it’s just as factually inaccurate now as it was then.
A day after the debate, Fiorina appeared on CNN and was asked if she was unwise to use figures that had already been proven untrue. At which point she doubled down:
“No, absolutely not. Wow, this is the same conversation we had after the last debate. Everybody came out and said I was using wrong data. No, I’m not using wrong data. The liberal media doesn’t like the data. Perhaps the liberal media doesn’t like the facts.”
Then, yesterday, during an appearance on ABC’s “This Week,” Fiorina finally admitted that she had indeed been wrong to use information that had been repeatedly exposed as patently false:
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