Don’t let that sweet, fluffy exterior fool you. Fluffy is out for the kill, and her victim is you.
According to a new study performed by researchers from the Bronx Zoo and University of Edinburgh, domestic cats and African lions have something in common with their personality structures.
These are the “Big-Five” human characteristics that they used for the study:
- Agreeableness
- Extraversion/Introversion
- Neuroticism
- Conscientiousness
- Openness to Experience
When the results came out, it was discovered that they’re both impulsive, neurotic, and dominant. It’s not your imagination when you feel like your cat is out to destroy your skin, furniture, or anything nearby. You’re not crazy for believing Fluffy can be an angel one minute and a devil the next.
However, it’s not all doom and gloom. You don’t have to hide under the bed (although I’m sure a few cat owners have been tempted to do so in the past). Your cat can also be excitable, hilariously weird, and playful. At any one time, kitty could be prime content for a YouTube video.
A psychologist named Dr. Max Wachtel had this to say on the matter:
“It is good to understand the personality characteristics of our pets. Different cats have different personalities. But as a species, there are a lot of commonalities. They’re cute and furry and cuddly, but we need to remember when we have cats as pets, we are inviting little predators into our house. For a lot of people, it is worth it. Cats can be fantastic, sweet companions. Until they turn on you.”
What do you think? Is your cat a dangerous tool of evil or a harmless ball of fur that wouldn’t harm a fly?