Meet Matt Bevin–Kentucky’s New Tea Party, ‘Liar,’ ‘Idiot’ Governor

Matt Bevin with Joe and Kim Davis: Image Via Facebook

Yesterday in Kentucky, the Bluegrass State took a giant leap backwards by electing Matt Bevin as their new governor.

Just how extreme is Bevin?  Well, this Tea Party conservative ticked off Republicans after winning May’s GOP primary by a mere 83 votes, and the Republican Governors Association (RGA) even pulled its advertising support in September. That’s unheard of in a political campaign.

But then the RGA changed their mind in the last weeks of the campaign and decided to dump $1 million in ads on Kentucky in which the Democratic challenger, Jack Conway, was compared to President Obama, who is not popular in the state.

As part of his campaign, Bevin proudly promised to toss about 10 percent of Kentucky’s population off Medicaid, after Democratic Gov. Steve Beshear had expanded health care coverage under the Affordable Care Act.

John Oliver, using is brilliant satirical skills, had this to say of Bevin over the weekend:

“Kentucky has seen the nation’s steepest drop in uninsured residents. Only an idiot would try to undo that — which brings me to gubernatorial candidate Matt Bevin.”

But this is just the tip of the crazy train iceberg with Bevin. He has also been a vocal supporter of Rowan County clerk Kim Davis in her failed legal fight to not issue same-sex marriage licenses despite a Supreme Court ruling making gay marriage legal nationwide.

Bevin is also a pathological liar, which seems to be a prerequisite for all Republicans in today’s electoral climate. For example:

  • His LinkedIn account inaccurately claimed Bevin held a degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, even though he doesn’t.
  • Bevin also strongly denied his involvement in a rally last year to legalize cockfighting in Kentucky. Then a reporter confronted him with video evidence of the candidate expressing his support for the illegal sport as a state’s rights issue.

As if this isn’t more than enough to disqualify most candidates, Bevin also ran on his vocal opposition to Common Core, even though company partly owned by Bevin sells education software that closely matches the federal education standards.

And now this monumental asshat is Governor of Kentucky. Congrats, Kentuckians, you may have just clinched the title of Most Backwards State in America. Go ahead and take a bow.