Twitter Invents #BenCarsonWikipedia Facts To Mock His Ongoing Battle With Reality

Image Via Twitter

On some days, this job is just far too easy and way too much fun. This is definitely one of those days.

You may recall that just a couple of days ago GOP Presidential candidate Ben Carson said the men who signed the Declaration of Independence had absolutely no political experience, just like him. Problem being, many of them did.

In 1998, Dr. Carson claimed that the Egyptian pyramids had actually been constructed by the Old Testament figure Joseph as storage bins for grain. They were actually tombs, as has been proven countless times over the years. Apparently Carson is unaware of King Tut.

And so, with social media–specifically Twitter–being the rapid comedy response vehicle it is, suddenly a new hashtag was created: #BenCarsonWikipedia. The results are nothing short of laugh out loud funny. Take a look:

This is just getting going on Twitter, so feel free to stop by and add a few of your own. I’m pretty sure I will. See ya there!