If you’ve watched any of the GOP Presidential debates, you no doubt encountered one name being tossed around more than any other: Ronald Reagan, the 40th President of the United States. To Republicans, Reagan is on a par with Jesus if you count how many times they refer to both.
Yet if you ask most Americans who they feel is the greatest of the ex-Presidents, they name one man more than any other, and it’s a man the GOP loves to vilify whenever they can: Jimmy Carter.
Hear that sound? It’s millions of Republican heads exploding simultaneously.
The poll, which was conducted by Quinnipiac University, shows that 40 percent of American voters thought President Carter had continued to have a positive impact on the world after his presidency. Ronald Reagan was a shopping 16 points behind, with Bill Clinton just behind him in third place.
Where were the two Presidents Bush? Bush Junior received six percent and Senior was last with five percent.
Hear that sound? That’s me laughing my butt off!
Here’s what those who conducted the poll concluded from the results:
“Pummeled for his presidency but praised for how he conducted his post White House life, Jimmy Carter far surpasses Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton for what he accomplished once he left the Oval Office.”
If further proof of President Carter’s dedication to others was needed, keep in mind this is a man who was recently diagnosed with terminal cancer yet spent most of last week helping to build homes for the needy as part of his dedication to Habitat for Humanity. Carter commented on his being at the blitz build in Memphis:
“We haven’t cut back on my schedule yet. I know it’s going to come, particularly if my cancer progresses, but we don’t yet know what the result will be from the treatments.”
I have said this before but it bears repeating: President Carter is the kind of person we should all try to emulate and model our own lives on.