It seems homophobes from Facebook to YouTube are up in arms over Campbell’s latest Star Wars inspired commercial. Is Darth Vader kissing a Storm Trooper? Could it be that Chewbacca and Han Solo hooked up? No, it’s two dads feeding their son some soup.
The new Campbell’s campaign also comes with the hashtag #RealRealLife. Now this makes sense considering that in real life, same-sex couples raise healthy, well-adjusted children every day. Unfortunately, many see the commercial as some sort of gay “agenda.” The Dark Side if you will.

The commercial is anything but dark though. In the commercial, one father is singing the Star Wars theme. He then starts mimicking the classic Darth Vader breathing and says, “Cooper, I am your father,” as he feeds their son some soup.
Suddenly, the other father appears and says, “No, no, no, I am your father,” as he also feeds their son some soup. As they make a few more Star Wars references, they seem to be enjoying their time together. It’s one of the cutest commercials you will see.
This is where the morality police come in. The New Civil Rights Movement pointed out the troll group One Million Moms (OMM) and their reaction. OMM reportedly said this of the commercial:
“One Million Moms believes family is based on love, but this does not justify normalizing sin…There is concern about the way this ad is pushing the LGBT agenda, but an even greater concern is the way that they are attempting to redefine ‘family’ and ‘real marriage.’”
Other trolls bashed Campbell’s on their Facebook page as well. One woman expressed these thoughts:

First of all, children of same-sex couples are not “your” children, so drop the “our children” crap. Second, if you want to be an advocate, there’s a group called the Mormons that would surely take you.
Lastly though, Distractify reports that some trolls got trolled in epic fashion. Since it’s likely the work of Mike Melgaard — the man that trolled Target and Dorito haters because of their stance for equality — you have to check out the exchange here.
Here’s the terrifying, controversial ad that shows two normal parents feeding their kid soup.