Journalist Jacob Steward is an American born white male and believes he should be considered a huge threat to U.S. national security. Steward wrote a controversial article proposing that America deport all white males. Stewart himself currently resides in a different country, therefore he’s not being hypocritical.

Following the Paris terrorist attacks, many Americans have felt the need to preserve national security over moral values and civil rights. Today, Syrian refugees are in the cross-hairs of hate mongers and political opportunist alike. The popular sentiment in America seems to be that we should close the doors to these specific refugees, out of fear they might have terrorist within their numbers. Many Republican Governors have said that they would block refugees from settling in their state, U.S. Constitution be damned.

Republicans believe that we need to commit to a policy that will increase safety for all Americans. After analyzing the data on mass shootings across the U.S., Steward came up with a policy solution which he believes would make America safer.

Deport All White Males From America

Stewart said that the evidence speaks for itself. Since 2000, white males consisted of 23 out of 40 suspects involved in mass shootings (where the assailant was known). That’s roughly 57 percent. The latest Census Bureau data says that 62 percent of Americans identify as non-Hispanic white. Half of that number are white males. The other half are white females. That means 31 percent of the total population represented roughly 57 percent of the mass shooting perpetrators since 2000. Therefore, white males are disproportionately more likely to be the perpetrators involved in mass shootings. Under Republican logic, the next step would be to look at mass deportation.

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) stated:

“We can’t roll the dice with the safety of Americans and bring in people for whom there is an unacceptable risk.”

Cruz pointed out that at least one of the Paris terrorist attackers posed as a Syrian refugee (which was later debunked). Applying Cruz’s logic, far more than just one white male has killed innocent Americans on American soil.

The Sandy Hook massacre should have prompted a quick legislative response, but not on gun control – that would be crazy. Lawmakers should have held a vote on deporting a few million 14 to 50-year-old white males.

According to Stewart, removing white males may also have some other benefits for society. For example, the gun control debate would pretty much be over within the U.S. If you deport white males from America, you’re removing the biggest catalysts for calls on new gun legislation. The remaining citizens will feel safer and the second Amendment would be more secure.

Unfortunately, the NRA (National Rifle Association) may take up some issue with Stewart’s proposal. That’s because the NRA consists mostly of white males. Therefore, endorsing such a policy could prove problematic for future membership dues revenue. Here are two charts illustrating racial data in correlation with mass shootings inside the U.S.

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Removing white males would also greatly improve the advancement opportunities for women and minorities. Problems like black on black crime may decrease with the increase in economic opportunities.

Many would call this proposal childish, ridiculous, discriminatory, and outright racist. And they would be right. However, as Stewart said, “security and inclusiveness are two mutually exclusive concepts.” After all, was it not French inclusiveness of refugees that resulted in the tragedy which befell Paris? Republicans should argue that American inclusiveness of white males has resulted in the deaths of hundreds, if not thousands, of Americans. For better security, this would seem like a very logical “trade-off.”

Stewart warns that implementation of this policy wouldn’t be easy. He recommends that we build golf courses, baseball fields, and bowling alleys in the new white male settlements. It may also be important to make sure plenty of pornography and perhaps even brothels are available, but not too close to the churches. This should make the removal process run much smoother. Stewart also recommends a location that has lots of open land and very few guns.

Americans need to contact that local representatives and start the process today before it’s too late.

Stewart’s article was very much a tongue-in-cheek dry satire. However, when you look at how Republicans are demonizing Syrian refugees as well as other minorities such as;\ women, Hispanics, Blacks, and Muslims, you get a good sense of how this type of rhetoric can quickly turn into policies that affect real lives and inflict long-lasting damage on the idea we call America.

Here’s a great video.

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