Image Via Cecilspride available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial license.

Dr. Anita Kranjc is the co-founder of Toronto-based animal welfare group Pigsave. And she is now facing a $45,000 fine and 10 years in prison for the terrible crime of providing water to pigs on their way to the slaughterhouse.

WTF?! Are you kidding me? Sadly, no.

Under Canadian law, livestock on its way to be slaughtered are legally considered to be private property. Worse, Candian law also states that it is perfectly legal to deprive the pigs of food, water, and rest for a full one and a half days as they are transported. A day and a half with no water! Try that sometime and let me know how you feel at the end of it.

The owner of the pigs, Van Boekel Hog Farms, is pursing charges against Dr. Kranjc and the case is expected to be heard soon in an Ontario court. In a statement, the owner of Van Boekel Farms, Eric von Boekel, said:

“[Krajnc] has the right to protest and make her views known. What she does not have the right to do is put my livestock in jeopardy. It is happening at a traffic stop light and people are putting their arms in with the livestock.”

How in the name of all that is decent would giving water to thirsty animals put the pigs in any jeopardy whatsoever? It seems the only humane thing to do, wouldn’t you agree?

Social media has reacted with huge support for Dr. Kranjc. Facebook and Twitter have lit up, with a hashtag being created: #IStandWithAnita.

Even though I am a meat eater–and as native Southerner love pork–I don’t think you have to mistreat the animals in order to guarantee a profit. There are plenty of farmers who raise their animals in humane ways. Even if it costs more to do so, is it too much to ask when you consider that the animals provide us with nourishment?

If giving water to pigs en route to the slaughterhouse is deemed illegal, how long will it be before we can treat any animal as inhumanely as possible? And the other question that remains: Would we treat a human being this way?

Featured image by Cecilspride, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial license.


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