Screenshot Via WTLA

If you didn’t watch the Rose Bowl yesterday, then you may have missed the sky ads that were displayed via a plane during the game. The banner ads read:

“Anybody but Trump,” “Iowans Dump Trump,” and “America is Great Trump is Disgusting”

Immediately after the plane carrying the banners had flown away, the questions began: Who paid for those ads? No one knew initially, but now we do: The generous donor behind the ads was Luther Stan Pate IV, a millionaire real estate developer who also happens to be a supporter of Marco Rubio.

Pate, it should be noted had already given $5,000 to the Rubio campaign early in 2015.

New questions are now arising: What might be Pate’s deeper motivation for the sky banner ads at the Rose Bowl? Well, Pate is a big fan of the so-called “Republican establishment” which Trump just loves to take verbal shots at as he campaigns for the GOP nomination. One Republican strategist described exactly the fear that is rippling through the party as Trump continues to lead in the polls:

“People are finally taking the threat that Trump will destroy the Republican Party and lose the general election to Hillary Clinton seriously.”

Hey, works for me! Yes, the Republican establishment is indeed scared to death right now. They can see what the future holds for them. A future in which they become a permanent minority party. The death spiral of the GOP should be fun to watch. Stay tuned.

Featured Image Via Screenshot From WTLA



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