Screencap from video.
Screencap from video.

Donald Trump has just released his new campaign commercial proposing a Muslim ban, and it’s just as stupid as you are imagining it is. It almost feels as if you can hear the announcer fight back a giggle as he recorded these ridiculous lines:

“The politicians can pretend it’s something else, but Donald Trump calls it radical Islamic terrorism. That’s why he’s calling for a temporary shutdown on Muslims entering the United States, until we can figure out what’s going on.

“He’ll quickly cut the head off of Isis. And take their oil.”

It sounds like an eighth-grader wrote a satirical Trump commercial, and The Donald got it mixed up with his real script. Cut the head off of Isis? Take their oil? That means less than nothing, other than to show that Trump wants to kill a lot of people in the Middle East.

But folks in the Middle East aren’t the only ones Trump is gunning for in this commercial. It goes on:

“He’ll stop illegal immigration by building a wall on our southern border that Mexico will pay for.”

First fear of Middle Eastern Muslims, then fear of Mexicans. Trump is showing his hammerheaded lack of political savvy, along with his willingness to appeal to the fears of the lowest common denominator of voter. And it’s in his official campaign video! That he approved! And is paying two million dollars to broadcast in Iowa and New Hampshire!

So, in short, this is Donald Trump’s plan:

1. Cut off the head of Isis. Whatever that means.

2. Take their oil. Again, whatever that means.

3. Build a wall across the southern border of the US.

4. That Mexico will pay for. Somehow.

Wow. It’s surprising they don’t teach this shrewd political strategy in law school. Trump is bringing just as much intelligence and skill to this campaign as we thought he would.




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