Open Letter: Leave The Wild Bird Sanctuary Boys, Your Socks Are Wet

Dear Oregon Wanna-be Militia-Men,

Go home, boys. When you started this “stand-off” at a wild bird sanctuary, with all your bravado and weapons at the ready, you were quoted as saying you were ready to hold your position for years. It’s been a bit over two days and your “men” are already pleading for supplies? PLEASE – just pack it in and go home.

You have NO right to that land. If the federal government ever relinquishes possession and “ownership” of that land, it needs to go back to the native Americans. They were here first – early American ranchers stole it from them with the help of the U.S. Army Calvary. Didn’t they teach you that in history class at school?

You claim to be fighting for your constitutional rights? You are committing treason at the moment – you have taken up arms against the country you claim to love. You are not patriots – you are traitors. You are children playing a grown-up game with your fragile little egos hoping for a few minutes of fame.

Back to school for you. I’m not a teacher – I’m Just A Mom – but let me see if I can break this down for you into words that you can understand (I’ll keep it simple).

The Second Amendment reads:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” (Emphasis mine)

You see that “well regulated Militia” part? That doesn’t include you wanna-be soldiers of fortune. You see, in order to be “well regulated” you would need some kind of actual organization. Storming an un-manned wild bird sanctuary, breaking in, and declaring war against the largest military force in the world is kind of silly. You weren’t even prepared.

Newsflash – it gets butt-cold in Oregon at this time of year. There is snow, wind, and frigid temperatures.




How well-regulated and trained is that?

You need to carry your whiny little-boy selves home and put on dry socks. You’re done. You didn’t even think to bring FOOD? Seriously, my 12-year-old packs better than you guys. With all those rifles and all that ammunition, why don’t you hunt up some dinner?

Oh, wait – can anyone make a fire for cooking without using a butt-ton of gasoline to get it started? Probably not – you should have researched Dakota fire holes before you left the warmth and security of home. Don’t eat raw meat – it might contain stuff that will make you very sick… and puking little wimps with wet feet holding their fingers on the triggers of assault rifles in the middle of nowhere would not make a pretty scene for the investigators.

In a well-regulated militia they make plans. Plans include a little more than posting on Facebook and telling your buddies to meet you for a game of toy soldiers. Plans means doing something more than posting tearful good-bye videos as you drive up the road in your pick-up truck hooting and hollering about how brave you are and how big your dick rifle and balls ammo pouch are.

Planning means having an actual purpose. Go back to mommy’s basement and hide your head – your “invasion” of the U.S. failed and you really suck at being a militia. You’ve had your 15 minutes – go home and put on dry socks – you’re done.



Featured image by Bill Morlin of Southern Poverty Law Center.