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No doubt you’ve seen Donald Trump spokesperson Katrina Pierson on TV before. Of all the surrogates Trumps sends out to spin stories lies for him, she is, in my humble opinion, the most objectionable. She once did an appearance on CNN wearing a necklace fashioned out of spent bullet casings. Really classy, huh?

Pierson was back on CNN earlier today, and was being asked by Jim Sciutto about the reports that the money Trump raised at his anti-debate rally last night was actually being sent to a foundation controlled by the Donald. Sciutto said he wanted to know which veteran’s organizations Trump would be donating the $6 million he supposedly raised to:

“The money is going to a Trump organization now. Name one veterans organization that has agreed to accept that money.”

Oh come on, Jim! That’s just not fair! How dare you ask such an easily answered question to a person as dense and clueless as Katrina Pierson. Pierson replied:

“I’m sorry, I can’t hear you.”

Oldest trick in the TV appearance book: When asked a question you have to formulate a lie for, be sure and say you cannot hear the question as this buys you a few extra seconds to put the mental wheels in motion. Then Pierson attempted to recover by saying that there was a list of groups on Trump’s website.

Uh, no. No there isn’t. Wanna try another lie, Ms. Pierson?

Poor Jim Sciutto, sensing there was no information to be gleaned from further inquiry, then moved on to his next query, wondering why exactly Pierson had remarked there were not nearly enough “pure breeds” in politics? Keep in mind that Pierson had also managed to call President Obama the “head Negro in charge” on Twitter. Her reply is almost as stupid as she is:

“So of course you could pull any of those tweets out of one of those heated discussions because a lot of times it’s in the sphere of fighting off other liberal activists. I got to tell you. It’s interesting that this has made some sort of news cycle when we have all of the things that are happening in the world, including a presidential race, to go back 36,000 tweets, pull them out of context of the discussion and try to make that a news story.”

And now we know why Katrina Pierson is a Trump supporter: Because she’s a liar and a complete asshat of a human being.

Watch the Interview And Get Ready To Facepalm

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