Why do some people enjoy inflicting pain on defenseless victims? Your guess is as good as mine.

This level of animal cruelty was depicted by 18 year old Leon Teague, who recorded a video of himself apparently pouring hot water on a cat and then uploading said video to Facebook. Leon Teague was of course picked up and arraigned in court. At his bond hearing, Assistant Cook County State’s Attorney Erin Antonietti stated emphatically that the screams of the cat could be heard as the water scalded its skin before it definitely ran for dear life. According to the police report:

“The cat … ran from one end of the porch to the other screaming in pain.”

The authorities paid Teague a visit when they were alerted to the video which went up on Facebook at around 10pm, Tuesday night.

Antonietti continues:

“Teague posted the video under his page with the name “Glock Boy MurDoc. The video initially showed a pot of boiling water on the stove, then, a male voice could be heard luring the cat on to the back porch into the camera’s view. Next, an arm can be seen pouring the water on the cat as the same voice taunts the animal.

The steam is seen rising from the water as it falls.”

A man in the galleys apparently thought the whole scenario being painted by the Assistant district attorney was funny, and he grinned in good measure for which the judge – Peggy Chiampas said to him:

“This is not funny to me; I don’t know what you’re smiling about.”

With the Police at his apartment, the senior at Dunbar Vocational High School said to them that he knew the cat video was the reason for their visit. The police recognized the layout of the apartment in the video and the voice in the video was positively identified as Teague’s. Teague, however, stated while being interrogated that:

“The video was a cat that somebody poured water on.”

“If you think I did it, lock me up. S—. I know the system. If I admit to this, I’m going to jail. Glock Boy MurDoc is my Facebook name and people come in and out of my apartment all the time.

As he is currently on juvenile probation for a residential burglary case, the Judge held Leon in lieu of $10,000 bail. The judge also stated that if Teague cannot bond out with $1,000, he can be released on his own recognizance, but must be placed on electronic monitoring, if he qualifies.

Teague has officially been banned from social media use and being around pets, pending his trial. When asked by the judge if he understood the import of the judgment, he stated clearly:

“Yes ma’am.”

Leon Teague’s mother, as well as a few other members of his family, were present at his brief hearing Friday. It is still not clear if the cat in question resides in the neighborhood or is a stray.

Animal cruelty sure isn’t good. Don’t you agree?


Image Credit:Electric Shutter via Flickr under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License


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