I’m a huge football fan, so I never miss the Super Bowl, no matter who happens to be playing. I also love to see what new commercials will be aired during the broadcast, and in the past I have not been disappointed by the incredible creativity and humor found in some of the ads.
So there I was last night, settled into my recliner, watching the game, enjoying my queso dip with some chips when this commercial came on the screen:
I nearly choked on a chip watching that damn spot!
Lemme see if I have this right: It’s a puppy that’s been bred with a monkey and a baby? And these are things that belong together?
Immediately after the commercial ran, I turned to my dog, Ginger, who was also in the room and said:
She promptly got up and walked out. And who could blame her?
The reaction on social media was swift and overwhelmingly negative:
Companies, put @ikebarinholtz in a Super Bowl ad. I don't need to see no dog monkey baby centaur creature
— Mindy Kaling (@mindykaling) February 8, 2016
am i wrong? #puppymonkeybaby pic.twitter.com/BFow57VeIo
— Stephanie Marcus (@stephaniemarcus) February 8, 2016
Fuck whatever that mutant dog monkey was selling because my brain shut down. #SuperBowl50
— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) February 8, 2016
That puppy monkey baby is already being used in ISIS recruiting videos. #SB50
— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) February 8, 2016
Not down with the #puppymonkeybaby…#sb50
— LeVar Burton (@levarburton) February 8, 2016
That puppy baby monkey commercial was disturbing. #SuperbowlSunday
— lisa rinna (@lisarinna) February 8, 2016
I wish Jason Bourne had punched out #puppymonkeybaby in that trailer.
— Alex Shibutani (@AlexShibutani) February 8, 2016
The sad part is, as odd and deeply surreal as the commercial was, can any of us ever hope to forget it? Those images are burned into my retinas and memory forever!
Thanks for the nightmares, Mountain Dew. Dammit!
Featured Image Via YouTube