If you were wondering just how much damage Donald Trump has done to the Republican Party’s attempt to attract Hispanic voters in 2016 or in any election beyond that, a new poll has some devastating news for the GOP: They are toast among Latinos in America.
First, it should be noted that in 2012, just a mere four years ago, only 18 percent of Hispanics surveyed saw the GOP nominee for the White House, Mitt Romney, as “hostile” to them.
But that number now stands at 45 percent, and is there any doubt just how much Trump is responsible for dramatic rise in how many Hispanics now see the GOP as being a threat to them?
Considering that Trump announced his candidacy with this now infamous speech, it’s a wonder the number isn’t closer to 90 percent:
But consider this fact about the American electorate: the fastest growing minority group in this country is Hispanics. So how will the GOP ever repair their relationship with this crucial voting bloc? Republicans have already managed to alienate African-Americans, women, and homosexuals. Now they are hard at work pushing away Latinos.
The Republican establishment is scared to death of what Trump is doing to their party, yet they’re afraid to boot him out. If they tick him off, he has said he will go the third-party route and probably hand the election to the Democrats. So the GOP is screwed either way.
If you want to see a political party in crisis and about to go the way of the dinosaurs, take a good look at today’s GOP.
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