Three people are wounded, one critically so, after a clash between members of the KKK and counter-protesters in Anaheim, California.

Two Klansmen were arrested for the stabbings, and three counter-protesters were arrested for assaulting Klan members. The LA Times reports:

“A small group of people representing the Klan had announced that it would hold a rally at Pearson Park at 1:30 p.m., police said. By 11 a.m., several dozen protesters showed up at the park to confront the Klan.

About an hour later, several men in black garb with Confederate flag patches arrived and were escorted by police around the edge of the park.

Violence erupted and some of the protesters could be seen kicking a man whose shirt read “Grand Dragon.” At some point, a protester collapsed on the ground bleeding, crying that he had been stabbed.”

One of the arrested Klansman stated during his arrest that he stabbed his victim in self-defense.

“The LA times reports that a crowd swarmed the KKK when they arrived at Pearson Park displaying confederate flags.

A witness on the scene said that ‘There were no police officers here when this started happening.’ The rally was public, planned, reported on, and announced ahead of time.”


Anaheim has a long history of Klan activity, and the KKK once actually held a predominant number of political representatives in office. The Southern Poverty Law Center reports a drop in KKK membership nationally, but notes a drastic increase in violence perpetrated by hate groups in recent times.

Featured image via CBS Los Angeles


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