Open Letter To Dr. Boyce Watkins: Reparations Shouldn’t Matter For Black Bernie Sanders Supporters

Dear Dr. Watkins,

First let me just say how much I admire your work for the Black community both in America and abroad. You’re a role model for millions of Black people, including myself, and I enjoy being in agreement with you 99 percent of the time.

Unfortunately, regarding Bernie Sanders and Reparations, this is one issue where we will disagree. But I do so with complete respect for you.

I found it interesting that you won’t support Bernie Sanders based on him not supporting Reparations. No politician in America running for political office will say that they support reparations, not if they want to get the white vote. We can “self-fund” a candidate, but as soon as they start talking about reparations, we might as well burn our money because that person will NOT get elected.

Yes, Reparations are owed to Black people in America, and around the world for that matter.

No, it won’t happen for a very long time. If ever.

Dealing with this reality, how can we best move forward and put together a plan to use the system we have and the wealth we generate to create an Independent Black Economic Network across America and eventually worldwide?

Boycotting the political process over an unrealistic expectation accomplishes nothing. A better question would be: what can we use Bernie Sanders for? That should be the question we ask about any politician. What can we USE them for. I don’t give a damn about their “soul.” They are tools to be used, re-used, and eventually discarded for new tools. That is all.

Once we have our own system in place, where we rebuild places like Black Wall Street, and Harlem in its glory days, and interconnect them with today’s technology, then we have real economic freedom and the power to have a greater influence on national policy and absolutely control what goes on where we live. No more marching and praying for “change.” We pressure our judges and politicians just like rich whites and corporations do.

I would appreciate your thoughts on this. Once again no disrespect. I believe we have the same vision for our people, and I appreciate the efforts that you and many others make to see that vision become our future reality. Thank you again.


Joe Clark

This letter is in response to your video titled “Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and Black People: It won’t matter” on YouTube.

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