Lunatic Neo-Nazi Trump Supporter: ‘Heidi Cruz Should Be In Prison Or Executed For High Treason’

How crazy are the extreme right-wing nutjobs, white supremacists, and neo-Nazi pieces of crap supporting Donald
Trump? Well, one of them just said the Heidi Cruz, the wife of Ted Cruz, should be executed.

Andrew Anglin, the founder of the notorious neo-Nazi website, The Daily Stormer, posted a message this morning in which he said Mrs. Cruz “should be in prison or execute[d] for high treason. Anglin later deleted that post and replaced it with one just as hideous, stating:

“Mutated Cuban Male Feminist Ted Cruz tells Donald to Leave Ugly Whore Wife ‘The Hell Alone’….. Ted Cruz’ wife is not only a disgusting swollen-faced hag, she is a CFR/Goldman Sachs shilless.”

Just so you know, here’s what the Southern Poverty Law Center has written about The Daily Stormer:

“Daily Stormer is the brainchild of neo-Nazi hotshot Andrew Anglin, a 30-year-old who grew up in Ohio but has lived in Asia and Europe. Anglin is a self-professed National Socialist who told Hatewatch, ‘I believe strongly that European people have a right to a continued existence as an independent culture and ethnic group.'”

And the words Anglin posted online may just get him a visit from the FBI or Secret Service, because Federal law clearly states:

“Whoever knowingly and willfully threatens to kill, kidnap, or inflict bodily harm upon…a major candidate for the office of President or Vice President, or a member of the immediate family of such candidate shall be fined or imprisoned not more than 5 years.”

Instead of sending Anglin and all who think like he does to prison, how about we ship them on a one-way trip to Antarctica where they can form their own little country filled with hatred and injustice for all?

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