Hillary Clinton On Trump’s Abortion Comments: ‘Horrific And Telling’

This time a week ago, current GOP front-runner Donald Trump seemed unbeatable. Yet no matter how fellow Republicans tried to slow his momentum or derail his efforts to reach the delegates needed for a first ballot victory at the GOP convention in July, nothing seemed to work.

Oh what a difference a week makes!

It began with the arrest of Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandoski, who was charged with battery for assaulting a female reporter earlier this month. And then last night as part of an MSNBC town hall meeting, Trump said “there has to be some form of punishment” for women who have abortions in America.

Within minutes of Trump’s comments, former Secretary of State and Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton took to social media and eviscerated Trump:

Once Trump began to see the fallout from his comments, he started walking back what he’d said on MSNBC, but Clinton only hit him harder:

And then Clinton did a perfect pivot and said what we all know: The entire GOP agrees with Trump, but they don’t want to say so and risk losing millions of votes:

But stopping Trump requires us all to do something in November:

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