What happens when you go to a Trump rally and start to offer free hugs for everyone there?

If you thought that the result would be a sudden day of peace, with tons of rally attendees lowering their signs and joining in the display, then you would be wrong.

Members of the Free Hugs Project YouTube channel visited the rallies of political opponents Trump and Sanders, and offered their trademark free hugs to those attending. The results, as one would expect, were complete polar opposites.

The men appeared at the Trump rally just as a woman was being escorted out after being pepper-sprayed and spoke to several of the rally participants.  They were told to “move along” when they didn’t respond that they would be voting for Trump, that “There is hate but there’s bigger problems,” and “There is no love in this world.”

At the Sanders rally, the men do not just manage to give out the hugs that they offered at the previous rally, but are absolutely swarmed by people wanting to accept and return their own hugs. The video shows everyone; men, women, rally participants, police officers, white, black, Hispanic, middle-aged, and even an older gentleman with a full (and glorious) white beard more than willing to give or receive a hug. The men filming and offering a friendly embrace are completely bombarded by people who not only feel the Bern, but also feel the love.

The video can be watched below via Youtube. And remember:

Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.

Featured image is a screengrab from the video.


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