Say hello to Lucca, an amputee war veteran. She is a 12-year-old German Shepherd who has served two tours with the U.S. Marines, and she served on over 400 missions. During her last mission in March 2012, an IED went off underneath of her while she was on patrol. The bomb blew off one of her front legs.

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Image via Video

According to The People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals, Lucca’s handler, Cpl. Juan Rodriguez says:

“The explosion was huge and I immediately feared the worst for Lucca. I ran to her and saw her struggling to get up. I picked her up and ran to the shelter of a nearby tree line; applied a tourniquet to her injured leg and called the medics to collect us.

“She had saved my life on so many occasions — I had to make sure that I was there for her when she needed me.”

After her injury, she was evacuated to Germany, and then to a base in California. She was up and walking ten days after the incident. Now, four years later, she is receiving the Dicken Medal from the People’s Dispensory for Sick Animals, a British organization. This is the highest honor a military dog can receive, and she is the 66th animal to do so.

During her stint in the U.S. Marines she was a search and explosives dog. She had originally served with Gunnery Sergeant Sergeant Willingham during her tours. She found weapons caches, IEDs, and more. She even helped catch four insurgents during one of her patrols in Iraq near Baghdad. In 2011, Rodriguez became her handler and they served in Afghanistan together.

Lucca is now retired and lives with Gunnery Sergeant Chris Willingham and his family in California. He keeps her plenty spoiled. Even when she was injured she still kept her good temperament. Hopefully, this sweet girl is enjoying her retirement. She deserves it!

h/t to The People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals



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