WATCH: The Feared Primate Uprising Is Happening NOW

Signs that the genetic cousins to homo-sapiens might be further evolving could be all around us. Fictionalized by popular culture in films like Planet of the Apes, one of man’s most primal fears is that we will be replaced as our planet’s most dominant specifics. Now new video evidence may point to a long anticipated challenge from the primate family.

A short while ago, we covered the story of a gorilla taking clear steps to attack a spectator at the Nebraska Zoo. And as that video demonstrated, at least one member of the primate family views humans as a threat. New footage was just published shows a clearly unprovoked attack on a man by a monkey. The unsuspected human civilian is fortunate not to have sustained any significant injuries.


Local authorities did not provide any comment and as far as we know the monkey in question is not in custody.

If these two incidents were isolated events, there would be no valid cause for alarm. But a little bit of research by our staff found what could be constituted as a disturbing pattern arising. More video evidence has emerged of monkeys displaying aggressive and even criminal behavior. Posted by YouTube user Daniel Marian, the video below provides further evidence of premeditated primate initiated crimes.

Human victims can be heard crying in what had to be a traumatizing event. Once again, local authorities have not commented on this incident, indicating that world governments are either not taking this issue seriously or worse … a global cover-up could be in the works.

These recent events are only the latest in a growing pattern of primate aggression. Some may remember in 2007 when the deputy mayor of New Delhi, India fell to his death after being attacked by a horde of monkeys. The story was covered by Slate who even published an important “How to Fight Monkeys” follow-up piece.

As we’re committed to continued coverage on these disturbing incidents, readers are encouraged to maintain constant vigilance (especially when traveling in areas heavily populated by primates). If you know of other similar incidents or warning signs, please leave your comments below.

Editors note: Hopefully our readership has a sense of humor and understands that we are reporting this story “tongue in cheek.”

Featured Images by Kevin Frayer/Getty Images Used by License.


Jeff is reformed conservative who is happy to be thinking for himself again. He's an aspiring author working on his first book. Follow #Brick_Says