READ THIS Before You Buy These Tampons

Tampax has released a new kind of tampons called the “Pocket Pearl.” It has an applicator that extends out when you open it. So, the tampon in the package is shorter which makes it easier to fit into a purse. It was designed for women “on-the-go.”

But, women are having a lot of problems trying to put these in. They say that extendable applicator doesn’t always extend the right way. The applicator falls apart in the user’s hands or the tampon doesn’t get inserted properly, so it may not provide enough protection. It can even be painful if not inserted properly.

One user said she went through three of them before it would insert properly. Some women have been forced to insert them manually which can be messy and difficult. Sounds like it would be better to have the tampon package sticking out of your purse.

They have only gotten a two-star rating on Amazon. Women are blasting the product in social media as well. They say it is completely “unusable” and they leak like hell.

Here is an official tweet from Tampax with a phone number to call if you have had bad experiences with the product. At least they are trying to fix the problem and help unsatisfied customer.

Celebrities such as Demi Lovato and the women’s football team raved about the design when they came out. The company had this to say about the product:

“One in every two girls believes their period holds them back from certain activities. We know that any day can turn into an adventure for girls, and we want to make sure nothing stands in their way, especially their periods.”

The company said that they will issue refunds to unsatisfied customers, and they made a video about how to use them:

Featured image via Twitter.

Hi, I'm from Huntsville, AL. I'm a Liberal living in the Bible Belt, which can be quite challenging at times. I'm passionate about many issues including mental health, women's rights, gay rights, and many others. Check out my blog